A new spin on STEM education
“Our research driven approach is developed by lifelong STEM educators and powered by the Urban Resilience Project at the University of Chicago”
— ThinkLive! Inc.
Who We Are
ThinkLive! is a collective of lifelong educators, STEM professionals and music enthusiasts who are passionate about the impact STEM has on individuals and communities.
What We Do
We leverage turntabling to create interactive strategies that resonate with diverse cultures for school systems and teachers, after school programs, foster care centers, and parents. By bridging generations through music exploration, we change the entrenched culture around STEM, one student and one teacher at a time. Our approach promotes intellectual risk taking and supports curiosity and socioemotional functioning.
We provide educators with easy-to-implement solutions needed to engage students in STEM
We leverage students' cultural strengths and music to bridge the gap in STEM education
We utilize familiar technology that is easy to adopt & eliminates barriers to access